What causes gray hair? What vitamins are lacking? Is it true that eating them will not cause gray hair?.
Most gray hairs are not related to stress. In fact, hair doesn’t “turn” gray at all. Once a hair follicle produces hair, its color is set. If a single strand of hair starts out brown (or red, or black, or blonde), it won’t change color at all (unless you dye it). Your hair follicle produces less color as you age, so as your hair goes through its natural death and regrowth cycle, it’s more likely to start growing gray after age 35. Genetics may play a role in how this process begins.
While stress can’t change the color of individual hairs, it can trigger a common condition called “telogen effluvium,” which causes hair to fall out about three times faster than normal. Hair grows back, so it doesn’t usually cause thinning hair. However, if you’re in your middle years and your hair is falling out and growing back faster due to stress, it’s possible that the hair that grows back may be gray instead of the original color.
However, a 2020 study in mice showed that stress can lead to graying of the mice’s fur. It’s unclear whether this is the same for humans, or whether it plays a role in how often hair turns gray.

Causes of gray hair
Most people who get gray hair are at risk of developing it as a result of aging. However, sometimes gray hair can be a sign of an underlying health condition, especially if it occurs at a relatively young age. Health problems that may be accompanied by gray hair include:
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Neurofibromatosis (von Reckinghausen disease): A group of genetic diseases that cause tumors along nerves and abnormal development of bones and สมัคร ufabet กับเรา รับโบนัสทันที skin.
Tuberous sclerosis: A rare genetic condition that causes benign tumors to form in multiple organs (including the brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, lungs, and skin).
Thyroid disease
Vitilgo: This condition causes the melanocytes (cells at the base of the hair follicle that produce color) to be lost or destroyed — possibly because the immune system “misbehaves” and attacks the scalp instead of the infection.
Alopecia areata: A disease that causes patchy hair loss, especially of colored (not gray) hair. This can lead to “sudden” graying, as previously existing gray or white hairs become immediately noticeable. When hair growth returns to normal, it may be white or gray, but the colored hairs may eventually return.